Vincent V.C. Woo Chinese Medicine Clinical Research Institute and the Chinese EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Centre share a common vision and mission to enhance the reporting quality of Chinese medicine research and promote transparency of Chinese medicine research in Hong Kong and the world. Therefore, they have collaborated closely on methodological research to achieve these goals.
The EQUATOR Network is an "umbrella" organisation that brings together researchers, medical journal editors, peer reviewers, developers of reporting guidelines, research funding bodies and other collaborators with mutual interest in improving the quality of research publications. As of 2016, there are four EQUATOR sub-centres around the world, located in the UK, France, Canada and Australia. Chinese EQUATOR Centre was established in October 2019 at the Hong Kong Baptist University. It is the fifth sub-centre of the EQUATOR Network and the first in Asia to focus on improving the quality of medical research.
Chinese EQUATOR Centre aims to:
Promote the EQUATOR’s impact throughout China. Chinese EQUATOR Centre will adopt the principles of the EQUATOR Network mission and objectives, that is to improve the reliability and value of published health research literature by promoting transparent and accurate reporting and wider use of robust reporting guidelines, and enhance its impact throughout China.
Enhance the reporting quality of Chinese medical research. Based on the principle of the EQUATOR Network, to enhance the Chinese medical research quality through education and training in different conferences, workshops, seminars, and other related activities. Chinese EQUATOR Centre collaborates with Canadian EQUATOR Centre to develop a comprehensive training and education portfolio, named "EQUATOR Publication School in China".
Improve the quality of Chinese medicine publications. To improve the quality of Chinese medicine clinical research, Chinese EQUATOR Centre will develop a series of reporting guidelines for CM, involving essential aspects of clinical study, such as trial design, research ethics, registration, protocol, good clinical practice, quality control, results report, data sharing, and publication.
Currently, Chinese EQUATOR Centre has established good partnerships with the other four centres, as well as with Japan, Korea, and Singapore, thereby expanding China's influence in health research and the publishing of Chinese medicine.
More information about Chinese EQUATOR Centre is available here.